Monday, May 14, 2007

Been a long time...

shouldna left you?
I think we should all make goals.
I want to go to the Bahamas next year. Next year I tell you.
I want to have my line in 3 online boutique and two boutiques.
I want to have atleast 10,000 in the bank by the end of next accounting period.

You can say Yea Right. But It's Going to Happen. I've had too many pitfalls to not have prosperity come my way.

on to more pretty things.

Beyonce is on NY's most powerful women list. That's a goal if I've ever seen one. I guess you can guess what the theme of this Post is: Achieving Goals. If you have a goal, achieve it. don't let anyone tell you any different. 10,000 bucks really isn't that much money you know.

I've been reading alot of news and i advise you to do the same. Usher stealing a wife is not the most important, nor is it the most fulfilling.

Laura Bruce of Yahoo Personal Finance wrote:
Step 1: Figure out how much cash you need to cover a week's worth of gas, groceries, entertainment, dinner on the town, breakfast at McDonald's, books, music CDs, cosmetics, gifts -- the whole gamut of casual expenses.

Step 2: Be honest. Don't deliberately overestimate so that you're sure to have enough cash to get through the week.

Step 3: Set the anticipated amount aside and don't use debit or credit cards.

this summer. I'm going to start writing down my daily expenses. I refuse to be broke another month. It won't happen again.

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